Mobile poker video McCain
McCain Poker

Carbon Poker Lets You Play Mobile Poker Wherever You Are, Just Not in the Senate

Yes, that’s right, while John McCain still dodges the fall out from his mobile casino poker faux pas during a Senate meeting, you now have the chance to follow in his footsteps. Except for one important detail: you can now play for real!

Yes, that’s right: Carbon Poker have released their new mobile App for Android and iPhone users. Sure, it’s not completely stable yet and Android users are reporting a myriad of problems, but it’s poker. On a mobile. In the US! A pretty smart strategy from Carbon Poker, that: release their app – despite it not being fully ready – as mobile poker hits the top of the news charts across the US.

This app may have been in development for a long, long time, and it still may not be available in seven US states due to gambling laws, but it’s still a real money poker app direct to your fingertips.

When you next go on the news to say you lost thousands of dollars, you can be talking about real money! Sure, those of you playing Android casino poker will have to wait a while longer than the iPhone users, but still, it’s a great step in the right direction. You probably shouldn’t ask Senator McCain for any tips, though.

Oh, yeah, and to refresh your memory, here is Senator McCain talking about his incredible skills once again: