Nexus 4 supports LTE
Nexus 4 LTE

Nexus 4 with LTE? Why not: genius mobile casino gamers have succeeding in enabling the super-fast connectivity on the device.

As soon as the Nexus 4 has hit the shelves across the world, the last ray of hope that the device will feature LTE connectivity has been shattered. Android casino regulars around the world have been really looking forward for ultra-high speed, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

Surprisingly, it looks like some technophiles have managed to find the LTE chip well-hidden inside the device and enable it. The connectivity is reported to have already been tested on Band 4 (1700/2100MHz) in Canada.

Naturally, we do not recommend voiding your warranty by going deep into the hardware of the smartphone, but it’s still nice to know that the cool smartphone is in fact a bit cooler. We really hope that the device is going to be officially upgraded at some point of time in order to provide the LTE connectivity to all mobile casino games fans.

Apart from the Canadian carriers, Cricket Wireless, AT&T, and MetroPCS in the United States are all using the Band 4 as well, meaning the LTE on the Nexus 4 can possibly be enabled on these networks as well. T-Mobile USA is to join them very soon.

Interestingly enough, the LG Optimus G, which is virtually identical to the Nexus 4 hardware-wise, does support 700/1700/2100MHz LTE bands.