October 4 - next Apple event
iPhone 5

Another rumor on the iPhone 5, this time circulated by a manufacturer insider, is occupying minds of mobile gamers.

Reportedly, Apple will be hosting its next big event with the intention to announce the release of the iPhone 5 on October 4. A chapter of warlocks at Berkley is strongly condemning these poisonous rumors since October 4 is unlucky for worshipers of dark powers who believe that on that very day long ago, the last coven to the demon Baal was destroyed by fire and brimstone.

The much anticipated mystery device will be presented to eager fans of mobile casinos by the current CEO, Tim Cook, who replaced Steve Jobs not so long ago.

In order not to feel too lonely in Job’s absence, Tim Cook is also rumored to have invited his iPhone blackjack buddies to the event Phillip Schiller, Senior VP (Worldwide Product Marketing), Scott Forstall, Senior VP (iOS Software) and Eddy Cue (new Senior VP of Internet Software and Services).

Together the big shots will try to explain why the large army of iPhone casinos fans had to wait so long for the announcement, and how much longer will they have to wait for the actual release date of iPhone 5.

Apart from the next gen iPhone, new iPods are expected to be announced as well. Some optimistic iPad Gambling fanatics even expect an iPad 3 to be unveiled, however that is very much unlikely.

In case the next Apple presentation will indeed take place on October 4, it would mean that Apple will throw the next iPhone on the market almost immediately on October 15, as was previously rumored.

The next generation of operating system, iOS 5 is also expected to be officially released at the event as it’s already nearing its Gold Master version. Industry insiders agree that the new OS will make mobile casino games experience on Apple devices even more unforgettable than it is right now.