Horse racing track mobile betting app
Mobile betting app

To stay on top of things in today’s fast developing world, horse race tracks are turning their attention to mobile wagering applications.

Keeneland horse racing track in Lexington, Kentucky is about to test a new mobile betting application, which allows track visitors to place wagers using their handheld devices. The mobile app is expected to be used by a selected list of punters during the scheduled spring meet. On April 6th, the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission has already approved the new application.

During the approval process an unfortunate incident occurred that infuriated the animal rights activists and the overwhelming crowd of horse lovers. Perhaps it was a prank or a sick joke, but every single invitee in the crowd of 300, received a pamphlet outlining the proposed mobile device.

As the pamphlets were opened, inside each was a graphic photograph of a mutilated horse. It is unfortunate that a serious subject as cruelty to animals can be used as a punch line for a joke. When the crowd calmed down the testing went on as scheduled

The mobile betting app, named FastBet, will be compatible with both Android and iPhone Operating Systems. FastBet is in the process of being converted into a iPad mobile gambling app. Keeneland officials promised up to thirty horses will be selected on each Wednesday of the meet to test the new system. The horse racing gamblers who were the lucky chosen will be permitted to place bets via the smartphones during the entire race meet.

Users of the application can deposit funds onto a virtual card, which will allow remote placement of bets as well as cashing of the winning bets. The wagers will be processed by the track’s proprietary on-track system which has been modified to accept and pay out mobile wagers.

Keeneland’s Vice President, Brad Lovell, stated that this limited time experiment will make sure the app works properly and work out all the kinks. “We want to gauge how people use it on our wireless network. If it’s looking like a hit, we will sign up more on other days. We’re excited about it. We think it has a lot of promise,” the VP declared.

The application will not function outside the track, yet in many instances because of lengthy lines the gamblers simply didn’t have enough time to place their bets before the start of the race. That will no longer be a problem with the FastBet mobile phone app since anyone with a mobile phone will be able to place a bet anytime and anywhere inside the track, with the same convenience offered by various international mobile sportsbooks.