LG ICS updates
LG Ice Cream

Mobile gamers relying on their LG smartphones to access mobile casinos can soon enjoy the latest Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS on their devices.

LG has officially announced the schedule for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update. The latest Android OS will be available to all fans of mobile casino games playing on LG smartphones released in 2011.

LG plans to upgrade their phones in two stages. The first lucky fans of Android casinos to get the Ice Cream Sandwich will be the owners of LG Optimus LTE, Prada 3.0, Optimus 2X, Optimus Sol, my Touch Q and Eclipse. The update will be available for these smartphones in Q2 2012.

The second stage of updates starts in Q3 and will reach LG Optimus 3D, Optimus Black, Optimus Big, Optimus Q2 and Optimus EX.

LG surprised both the industry and fans of mobile casino gambling with this detailed and comprehensive update schedule. No Android OEM has put forward such a timetable so far. LG is known to be slow with its Android OS updates so far, but the tide seems to be turning.

Korean manufacturer learned the importance of delivering the up-to-date OS to its customers and currently does a better job than direct competitors such as Samsung and HTC.