Do Mobile Casino Gamblers Need Government Protection from Themselves?

Mobile Casino
Most if not all governments believe that most adults will transform into helpless addicts if permitted to gamble with their own money at a mobile casino.
Different countries throughout the world have geometrically opposite views of mobile gambling as a whole or even in part.
Some countries have a religious prohibition on all form of gambling, and surprisingly, those are the very countries that have the most consistent policy by simply banning all gambling across the board. The rest of the world has a hodgepodge of completely illogical, irrational and contradictory laws with usually one aim in mind – to help citizens control themselves by forbidding them to participate in potentially harmful activities.
In Australia, a panic was recently started caused by what some view as excessive advertising by mobile bookmakers. The panic was fueled by an alleged increase in mobile sports betting among 20-29 year olds, with politicians screaming for daily government enforced spending limits, happily backed by the all too willing media.
Yet in Poland, mobile sports betting is the only legal form of mobile gambling permitted and even encouraged by the government. In Poland, anyone who enjoys mobile blackjack or poker is automatically labeled a ‘lost soul’ and a deeply disturbed individual in the grips of one of the worst forms of addictions known – somewhere between a heroin junkie and a crack-cocaine fiend.
It is quite natural for corrupt, totalitarian governments unfamiliar with personal freedoms to forbid mobile casino gambling, since the very idea of giving people the ability to gamble wherever they want at whatever time they chose, teaches citizens a little too much about personal freedom.
Socialist governments are generally in favor of a state monopoly operated traditional gaming establishments, where ‘papa’ and ‘mama’ government can keep an eyes on its naughty ‘children.’ Online and mobile casinos are not as easy to monitor, so naturally only after tremendous public pressure do socialists eventually capitulate and begin licensing while sabotaging the process by any means at their disposal.
What about the United States of America? An 18 year old can legally purchase an AK-47 assault rifle in some states with only a driver license, buy a plane and fly cross country alone with a license, go to a brothel in another state and legally smoke marijuana with a doctor’s note in other parts. If the logic behind prohibitive laws against traditional, online and mobile gambling is truly altruistic on the part of the government, why sell machine guns to 18 year olds?
Don’t get me wrong, I am not attacking any of the other hobbies. I just see the possible consequences of a 21 year old getting drunk and possibly losing a couple of dollars on mobile casino games much less damaging than for an 18 year old getting drunk while playing with his new AK-47.
Other reasons must exist as to why a nation founded by a group of individuals who each enjoyed gambling (and valued personal freedom), slowly morphed into the selectively restrictive Big-Brother-USA of today. What are you views?
After USA in trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan a nice victory against poker will make a lot of people believe again in the might of america
After USA in trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan a nice victory against poker will make a lot of people believe again in the might of america
yeeehaaa! two step forwards, one step backward. repeat to infinity…
yeeehaaa! two step forwards, one step backward. repeat to infinity…