“Bots” are computer programs that hook up to online casinos and play blackjack, poker, and other games. They use sophisticated algorithms to make the best possible move every time, and they can play for hours on end without needing any input from humans. Needless to say, these bots are illegal. They are not as widespread as they were in the early days of online gambling, but they’re still around in small numbers, and they are a problem.

A company called Featurespace is tackling the problem of bots by using a computer program of their own. The researchers who founded Featurespace all come from the University of Cambridge’s engineering department, where they worked together to develop the behavioral analysis technology that powers their bot-detection program.

The software Featurespace developed is quite complicated. Put simply, it uses statistical analyses to differentiate between normal player behavior and abnormal player behavior. By carefully monitoring player activity at online casinos, the software can determine with amazing accuracy whether or not bots are being used. The software is very flexible and adaptive, and could also be used to identify certain types of players, like high rollers.

Non disclosure agreements mean that Featurespace cannot name their clients, so it is not known which online casinos intent to use this bot-detection software. Most players really won’t be affected if the software is being used at their favorite casino. The top casinos on the net already employ anti-fraud and anti-collusion software, so players enjoying our recommended blackjack casinos are quite safe from being victims of bot usage. Nonetheless, it is good to know that more research is being done to keep online gambling free from cheaters.