Samsung Galaxy S III Sudden Death issue
SGS III Sudden Death

Samsung Galaxy S III “Sudden Death” issue has finally been acknowledged and addressed by the manufacturer.

Samsung Galaxy S III may be a great mobile casino tool, possibly one of the best currently on the market, but even the creme de la creme status does not guarantee flawless operation.

During the last couple of months there have been several reports of a “Sudden Death” issue with the smartphone, where it just stopped functioning altogether, usually overnight. Owners of devices with this issue have been lucky enough to get their Android casino monster repaired quickly or completely replaced by Samsung.

Samsung has shown a lot of courage by coming out and acknowledging the issue. The Korean giant has assured everyone that they are currently working on a fix to the annoying problem, which is due to be released very soon.

Sources confirm that the Galaxy S III “Sudden Death” issue is only affecting a rather small pool of devices. These are mobile casino games tamers with 16GB of internal memory. The smartphones tend to go bad around six months after activation, and usually overnight during charging, long stand-by, or following a reboot.

Samsung representatives did not mention when exactly the fix will be released, however, it’s safe to suppose it will appear right after the Android 4.1.2 update rollout completes.