Samsung goes after iPhone 4S
Samsung vs iPhone 4S

Samsung filed a preliminary injunction motion to stop the latest iPhone 4S from reaching mobile gamers in France and Italy.

The news below is overshadowed by the sudden death of Apple founder and visionary Steve Jobs, who lost his battle to pancreatic cancer. The world of Apple fans and even I, a hardcore Microsoft follower, am saddened by the loss of a giant without whose influence, ideas, and vision, the world would be much worse off.

As was expected, read more in our (Samsung Lawsuit a Conspiracy to Delay iPhone 5 Release Date?) article, Korean manufacturer is upping its efforts against Apple. Samsung has just filed an injunction to ban the iPhone 4S from reaching regulars of iPhone casinos in Italy and France on the basis of patent infringement.

Fans of mobile casinos are expected to lay their hands on the new Apple on October 18 in France and October 28 in Italy. That is if Samsung fails. Koreans claim that iPhone 4S breaches two if their WCDMA patents in regards to 3G. Samsung is confident these patents are crucial for the new Apple to function properly.

Samsung told casino gambling news: “The infringed technology is essential to the reliable functioning of telecom networks and devices and Samsung believes that Apple’s violation as being too severe and that the iPhone 4S should be barred from sales.”

Korean manufacturer went on to state: “Apple has continued to flagrantly violate our intellectual property rights and free ride on our technology. We believe it is now necessary to take legal action to protect our innovation.”

More injunctions are expected from Samsung in other countries. This brings the long-fought battle between Samsung and Apple on another level. Now the two companies have littered the courtrooms of almost every country on the planet with their lawsuits. Up until now the cornerstone has been only tablets, but the two giants want more blood.