• First Game Of Blackjack At The Casino Games Table

    In spite of spending your days and nights tirelessly trying to learn everything about the game of blackjack, there's nothing that can prepare you for your first real casino game. Sitting at the casino gaming table, all that knowledge can simply fly out the window because you succumb to an attack of nerves. But don't be too worried. Providing you've chosen a table with lower betting limits, then all the more experienced players will be only too happy if you reach out to them for help and advice.

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  • Blackjack Dealer Rules – The Ins And Outs Of Being A Blackjack Dealer

    We sure that many blackjack player, sitting at the blackjack table, must of thought about the pay and conditions of working as a blackjack dealer. For some, this might seem like a glamorous job. After all, you're working in a great environment, surrounded by the wealthy. But not everything is as it appears to be on the surface. Blackjack dealers are working in the service industry. In the US, this means that you'll receive a horrible basic pay, with the majority of a living wage coming from tips

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  • Blackjack Live – Tips And Tricks To Be A Better Player

    Blackjack is one of the best casino games for experienced players. That's because it requires a huge amount of knowledge and a understanding of any number of strategies. Blackjack is about pure mathematics than luck. It does take time to study and become proficient enough to be able to rule the casino games table. If you're playing online, then we suggest that you head over to the live dealer games. These are as exciting and immersive as if you were playing at a real brick and mortar casino.

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  • Online Blackjack Tournaments And How To Play Them

    Because the table game of blackjack is a perfect combination of luck and skill, it means that to have any success at the gaming table you'll have to thoroughly learn and understand all the best playing strategies, as well as the different rules for each variety of the game at hand. Perfect blackjack strategies are there because they give the player the maximum advantage for each hand, which in turn can bring the odds into your corner. Keep in mind that the prize money remains pretty low.

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  • Playtech Blackjack – The Game Play And Strategies Needed To Win

    Because the casino game of blackjack needs both skills and luck, it's not surprising it's such a popular game with all types of online casino players. After all, if you use perfect blackjack strategy, then you can move the house edge into your favour. This gives you an almost 50:50 chance of beating the casino. There's no other game that others these type of odds. Just spend some time watching other players and try to learn as much as you can before committing to spending any of your own money.

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