Future of mobile casinos
Mobile future

Mobile Gambling Market to Swell to $100bn by 2017 Says Juniper Research

Brace yourselves for change, mobile gamers, and good change at that. New research from Juniper Research, a UK mobile commerce analysis firm, has announced that mobile casinos, sportsbooks, bingo, etc., could reach $100 billion by 2017.

That’s a huge sum, helped on its way by deregulation in the US and Europe as well as China finally becoming a world player in a market they should have been part of years ago. It’s for the current players that this will have the biggest boon, though.

With the biggest growth expected in mobile casino games – games like roulette, blackjack, poker and slots – players are likely to see more and more choice for on the go gambling. No longer will mobile casinos offer a small selection of the games their online counterparts do, but a huge selection of visually stunning games.

With mobile sports betting already hugely popular in the UK, casinos are the next step, with a number of new mobile casinos launching in recent times. As they start to take advantage of the technological leaps and bounds the mobile market has made recently, these games will be able to offer gamblers a more and more immersive experience.

Combine that with the rise of the Facebook casino and the new trend for freemium, play money casinos and slots that has cropped up, and the world of on the go gambling is due to grow remarkably in these next few years.