crooks caught robbing casino
Casino Robbery

Three daring casino robbers who took more than $250,000 from Argentine Casino Villa Carlos Paz were given lengthy prison sentences.

The Sixth Chamber Criminal Court of Argentina threw the book at three defendants convicted of the daring robbery of Casino Villa Carlos Paz, sentencing the three robbers to 13, 14, and 15 years respectably.

According to casino gambling news, the mastermind of the Argentina casino robbery, a shadow figure known as Rafael, an alleged Rio assassin and member of a Rio organized crime family, remains at large.

It is alleged that the defendants were ordered to commit the robbery after the casino failed to pay protection money to Rafael’s crime family.

Based on the age of the three defendants, it is highly unlikely that any will survive such lengthy prison terms.

More than a million pesos ($240,000 US) was taken during the 9am Sunday heist which took place in the Argentine casino counting room after the previous night’s blackjack tournament.

The three casino robbers, Roberto del Valle Guide (60), Oscar Rodolfo and Mario Roberto Villafane Villafane (51) entered through the roof of the casino counting room which surprisingly contained a skylight.

The casino employees, who were too busy counting the money, failed to notice as the three geriatric robbers climbed down into the casino counting room through the skylight.

Villafane, who received the longest sentence, took out a pistol and shot Louie, the counting room manager in the penis.

If the robber’s intention was to prevent the startled employees from raising alarm, the shot had a completely opposite effect. During the trial witnesses described Louie’s ear piercing scream as the loudest sound they’ve ever heard

The robbers still managed to grab the money, jump into a red Fiat Uno driven by an accomplice, Ricardo Rossi and get away.

Unfortunately for the robbers, Ricardo Rossi, the getaway driver and an avid blackjack card games player at the casino, parked the getaway vehicle in front of the casino entrance and was instantly recognized by dozens of patrons.

Mr. Rossi immediately cooperated with the police officers and testified against the three casino robbers in exchange for two year prison term.

The $240,000 from the casino robbery was recovered by the police and immediately ‘lost’ by three-star Chief Police Commissioner Rufino Gonzalez, who was severely reprimanded and demoted to only two stars.

Louie, the casino counting manager’s complete recovery was the only reason why the shooter received only two addition years in prison for the shooting.

The police continue their search for Rafael but with few leads and the defendants refusal to cooperate there are few clues to go by.