There’s nothing quite like sitting down to a blackjack table at a glamorous Las Vegas casino. All your senses are pampered – green felt, crisp new cards, smooth clay chips, plus the amazing sights and sounds that a real casino environment have to offer. That is how Blackjack is meant to be played.

Even with the best of modern technology, we can’t reproduce that experience online. So is technology killing blackjack? Has it corrupted the game by removing it from its casino setting and sticking it on a computer?

The answer is simple – absolutely not! The newest trends in online blackjack are fantastic advances. Live Dealer games are a good example of this – they combine the ease and comfort of online blackjack with the visual thrill of watching a skillful dealer work the table. By adding a video feed and a live dealer to a virtual blackjack game, it gives players the best of both worlds. Both Playtech and Microgaming run Live Dealer blackjack games, and many of the top internet casinos now offer them.

Another recent trend that is changing how blackjack is played involves advances in mobile telephone technology. Mobile casinos let players enjoy blackjack wherever they are. For people lucky enough to own an iPhone, iPod Touch, or Android G1 mobile device, the modern touch-screen interface and high-resolution graphics add a whole new dimension to the game.

In the end, technology is only improving the way we play blackjack. It is bringing new levels of comfort, flexibility, and privacy to the game that land-based casinos simply cannot offer. This doesn’t mean that land games are obsolete – they will always be the truest form of the game. Instead, internet blackjack works together with land based games, taking the game into the 21st century and beyond!

Online Blackjack Casino reviews | Mobile Blackjack Casino reviews