If you’re one of those blackjack players who just can’t wait to play the next hand, then we come bearing good news. Motorola and Verizon have partnered up and given players the opportunity for very high-quality game play . . . on their mobiles.

A partner project between Motorola and Verizon has yielded an all-new phone, called “the Droid.” According to the companies’ predictions this phone may be a major rival to the iPhone. When taking online casinos into consideration, the Droid has some definite advantages over the iPhone.

The Droid is a smart phone with which players can experience PC like browsing capabilities on a mobile, with a large high-resolution display, and the thinnest touch QWERTY slider available. The Droid also boasts twice the speed of its leading competitor. Online blackjack will never be the same!

The 3.7 inch display and amazing resolution provide an amazing view of not just blackjack, but all casino games. The 16-million color, high-definition quality will make the sensation of a natural blackjack that much more thrilling. The best part is, players can enjoy this quality anywhere!

Players don’t have to download a specific casino’s mobile software to enjoy these benefits; any casino will do!

Check out our blackjack mobile casino reviews.