HTC One Release Date May Be Delayed in the Netherlands

HTC One delay
Following several launch delays, the HTC One release could once again be postponed due to legal issues.
While the component shortages have been overcome at HTC, the Android casino monster One is about to get back on the release schedule, there still may be some delaying factors. Nokia has just been granted an injunction by the Dutch court against the HTC One.
The legal issue is over Nokia’s proprietary microphone technology, which apparently has made it into the latest mobile casino tamer from HTC. The microphone in question was developed by STMicroelectronics exclusively for Nokia, and HTC has no right to use it in their smartphones.
Nokia succeeded in getting an injunction in a Dutch court over HTC’s unlicensed use of the patented technology, this will stop HTC from selling the One mobile casino games device in the Netherlands until they change the microphone or stop installing that technology altogether.
The good news is that the court injunction is only valid for the Netherlands, so HTC is free to sell the One in other countries. However, who says that Nokia won’t take this battle to a global arena?
We kind of feel bad for the Taiwanese giant, the make such good and rather affordable devices and then they get spare parts shortages and now this. It’s especially disappointing as the One seems to be an exceptional device, surely to rival competitors from Samsung and Apple. We will continue to monitor the news and bring you updates on the story.