Huge T-Mobile/Orange Merger Great News for Mobile Casinos

everything everywhere
Who benefits from the recent creation of Everything Everywhere, the merger of mobile telecommunications giants T-Mobile and Orange? Owners and players of T-Mobile and Orange mobile casinos, among others…
Now that the companies have merged, free roaming between the networks has also been announced, allowing users to bounce automatically with any degradation of signal – also good news for those playing at mobile casinos when travelling. Everything Everywhere company executives have promised this technological upgrade to be in place by the end of 2010.
The big picture tells us that the combined networks of T-Mobile and Orange now serve 28.4 million customers and have captured 37% of the mobile market combined, leapfrogging it over former industry leader O2 in both categories.
As the U.K. was recently reported to be the world’s second-largest market for mobile gaming, mobile casino providers are certainly cheered by the possibility of serving this huge market share – a share that can only increase with the superior service this mega-company could supply.
Lucky are those mobile casino players using T-Mobile and Orange: Especially after 3G technology is introduced onto Orange phones, another benefit of the merger, they’ll soon have twice as much mobile gaming opportunity. Try a T-Mobile casino or an Orange mobile casino – they’re all good and soon they’ll be better.
wow…thats a massive cut of the market. in the end its great news for mobile phone users. in this sense, england is so far ahead of other european countries due to better competiton
wow…thats a massive cut of the market. in the end its great news for mobile phone users. in this sense, england is so far ahead of other european countries due to better competiton