Mobile gaming software producer Spin3 has announced its partnership with online casino software giant Microgaming in the creation of an interactive lottery system called LottoSpin. LottoSpin will be available worldwide, and Spin3 has signed an agreement with Pulse Interactive for potential U.S. distribution.

Spin3 representatives are touting the product as an advance in lottery technology itself. Whereas most mobile lottery games are SMS-based, LottoSpin used a graphic-based system for a more attractive experience in the mobile casino medium. LottoSpin includes a gaming platform and a range of games that can be used in either regional or state lottery draws and is compatible with over 2,000 mobile devices including iPhone and BlackBerry.

The product also includes “location-based transaction approval technology,” essentially geo-targeting, which would disallow the purchasing of tickets or playing of mobile casino games in jurisdictions where the activity is disallowed.

In terms of business, Spin3 is looking to the medium-term future with its new Microgaming product. Spin3 president Matti Spinder said that “We think one of the first areas where egaming will be regulated in the US will be the state lotteries. The ability to provide this on a mobile phone is very exciting for us and exciting for the people in the state government we are talking to as well.”

Spinder did not reveal the state which he referenced and refused to go into any detail regarding plans currently in place to distribute the product.