Online Gambling in the US Getting More Attention

Ever since the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act was passed back in 2006, the legal status of internet gambling for US citizens has been very confusing. With Obama and his cabinet coming into office next week, some are projecting that the issue of internet gambling will become a hot topic in months to come.
Will Obama legalize internet gambling in the US? Nobody knows for certain, but there are some who say he will. Given the current economic state of the US, it’s a difficult time for discussing such issues, but we think it’s inevitable. Land-based casinos are experiencing a huge slump in profits, and will certainly be pushing for the right to move online.
Of course, not everybody is for the legalization of internet gambling in the US. Utah, for example, has long been opposed to gambling. Right now, Utah State Representative Sheryl Allen is trying to introduce a bill that would give individual states the power to decide whether internet gambling should be legal. That way, the state could outlaw it on a local level, rather than being forced to allow it by federal law.
If internet gambling does become legalized in the US, it will almost surely be regulated. Just how this will effect casinos and players is not yet known. It’s an exciting time for players in the US and around the world too – if the big-time Vegas casinos are able to make the move to the internet, maybe they will accept members from overseas as well!
Until changes are made, US players will find ways to get their Blackjack fix. We will keep up with the changes, and post them here if anything happens!