Slim Chance of Approval for Probability at Las Vegas Comissioin

Online Poker
UK mobile gaming company Probability appear fazed by a dint in their chances of acquiring licensing rights in Nevada.
Nevada continues to be very tight on allowing mobile gaming licenses in the state according to US casino gambling news this week.
The United Kingdom’s Probability plc, one of the country’s leading mobile gaming providers may have their license bid turned down according to Charles Cohen, who is the Chief Executive Officer at Probability. Despite this, following the company’s application, Cohen released the following statement.
“The difficulty of getting a gaming license in places such as Nevada will also mean significant barriers to entry for smaller companies trying to break into the U.S. from abroad and restrict the market to large established companies such as Probability.”
At present, Nevada’s gaming authorities only offer poker licenses to the state’s land based casinos. Even then the licenses can only be obtained in a partnership between the mobile gaming provider, and the casino itself.
With that in mind, Probability has already begun discussions with several Nevada casinos about the possibility of a deal being struck, and their expertise and know-how in the field, is widely felt to be a major asset in their successful application to gain a license, a follow through on a deal with a Nevada casino.
Probability Licensing in Nevada
The process of applying for a license, is claimed to be tedious, long, exhaustive and even invasive. All board members associated with Probability are reported to have to have undertaken having their fingerprints taken, as well as providing personal and financial information, in immaculate detail for the last decade.
Such is the strictness of the licensing application, that following one such part of the process, one of the companies employees tweeted…
“Just left the lovely ladies at new Scotland yard with our fingerprints for Nevada licence application, now just 100 pages of forms to go.”
Probability are not alone in the quest to seek a licence for mobile casino gambling in the state though. As many as twelve other companies are also seeking to acquire said licenses in the state, which include in alphabetical order, 888 Holdings, Aristocrat Technologies, Bally Technologies, Boyd Gaming, Caesar’s Entertainment, Cantor Gaming, Ferfitta Interactive, IGT, MGM Resorts, Monarch Casino, Shuffle Master and South Point Poker.
Despite their scepticism behind the success of the application, Probability plc has one of the best chances of all the companies vying for a license. Having been in operation for over five years, and releasing mobile bingo, mobile casino and mobile poker games, that are compatible not only with the very latest I-Pads and I-Phones, but also phones as old as the mid-nineties Nokias, it is felt their humble view on the situation, appears to be without warrant, and needn’t be a cause for concern.