vote for holy rollers
Vote Blackjack!

There are very few things that supporters of legal online blackjack card counting can do to influence the way the government sees the practice.

One way that supporters of blackjack advantage players who use memory and observation to chip away the casino’s inherent odds in blackjack games is to vote. Not for politicians. Vote for this great blackjack documentary movie:

One of the very best documentary movies about blackjack card counters – “Holy Rollers: The True Story of Card Counting Christians” – needs your vote on Youtube to get into the Arclight Documentary Festival in Hollywood.

Being screened at the festival would bring great exposure to the game of blackjack, and the fact that the card counters featured in the documentary are all Christian ministers, will go a long way in helping liberalize American gambling laws with certain religious politicians.

If you support the freedom of individuals to use their own hard earned money to play online blackjack from the safety of their own home, support the personal freedom to gamble, or just love the blackjack documentary, please :

Vote on Youtube by Clicking Like

Click LIKE for Holy Rollers Blackjack Documentary on Youtube which will count as your vote for the Arclight Documentary Festival.

Voting ends this Sunday, October 23, 2011.

The ArcLight Documentary Film Festival runs November 7-11 in Los Angeles, so let’s make sure blackjack earns its rightful place there.