Blackjack Casino in Delaware
Casinos in Delaware

Three months ago, the US state of Delaware gave local casinos the green light to start offering table games. Since then, the demographic of local casino-goers has changed dramatically. Back when the casinos only offered slots and other gaming machines, their clientele was mostly older women. Now that blackjack and other table games have been thrown into the mix, a much younger and predominantly male crowd is taking over the scene.

Many of these young men used to spend their money in Atlantic City, but now that they can play poker and blackjack games locally, they don’t make the long trip anymore. But the atmosphere of Delaware’s casinos is still quite subdued when compared to the hustle and bustle of Atlantic City, which leaves many younger players wanting more.

Because of this dramatic change in their customer base, Delaware casinos are finding themselves having to make some adjustments. Instead of serving pot roast buffets and playing golden oldies quietly in the background, some casinos are switching to something a little more upbeat that will appeal to a younger crowd. Live DJ’s, cheeseburgers and vodka shots are slowly making their way into the Delaware casino scene.

Some venues are happy to see a different crowd moving in, especially those that are able to attract wealthy young professionals. Others see this new younger crowd as a curse, and will undoubtedly stick with slot machines, onion soup and Tom Jones. Either way, the new table games at Delaware’s casinos have been good for business.