• A Complete Guide To Learning The Blackjack Strategy Chart

    If you're new to blackjack, then the gameplay must look very simple. But scratch the surface and you'll discover it's deceptively so. Blackjack at the casino is the one game where skills can bring the house edge down far enough into your favour that you can make steady and profitable sessions every time you play. But for this, you need a deep understanding of the card probabilities. For this, it's good to memorise a blackjack strategy chart. But you'll also need to know how to count cards.

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  • Online Blackjack Tournaments And How To Play Them

    Because the table game of blackjack is a perfect combination of luck and skill, it means that to have any success at the gaming table you'll have to thoroughly learn and understand all the best playing strategies, as well as the different rules for each variety of the game at hand. Perfect blackjack strategies are there because they give the player the maximum advantage for each hand, which in turn can bring the odds into your corner. Keep in mind that the prize money remains pretty low.

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  • House Edge In Blackjack – How To Make It Work For You

    Compared to many other casino table games, the blackjack house edge appears to be much lower. In fact, in a regular game it hovers at around 2%. Because blackjack is a game of both luck and skill, it's quite possible, that by playing perfect blackjack strategies, you can lower this down to around 0.5%. Only by using card counting can you get to this amazing figure. But the truth of the matter is that the counting of cards is very difficult at a land-based casino, and impossible online.

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  • Blackjack Players Who Rise To The Top – How Do They Do It?

    One of the main reasons why the casino table game of blackjack is so popular is the fact that it's not just about luck. By playing intelligently, you can move the odds into your favour. And by reducing the house edge, you can make some serious profits over the course of an evening at the casino. There are a number of factors that separate the good and profitable players from the losers. Much will come down to fully understanding blackjack strategies, as well as a large dose of common sense.

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  • Online Live Dealer Blackjack Card Counting – Difficult But Not Impossible

    Most casino blackjack players will tell you that it's a waste of time trying to count cards at online live dealer blackjack games. They will say that there are just too many negative factors against you. These are hurdles deliberately put into place by the online casinos to ensure that any chance of counting cards is reduced to the absolute minimum. And though these is some truth in what they say, it is still possible to count cards in online blackjack, providing some factors are in your favour.

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