• Double Attack Blackjack – How To Play Like A Boss

    As you're probably aware, there are a huge number of blackjack variants. You can thank online casinos for this, as they are constantly creating and updating games in order to keep their players entertained to ensure they return to play again. One of these versions of blackjack is Double Attack Blackjack. Though the online game is very similar to the more traditional one, it does have one important difference. Namely, all the 10s have been removed from the deck. This changes the rules slightly.

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  • Hit Or Stand In Blackjack – What’s The Best Strategy?

    Though the rules of the casino table game of blackjack are relatively straight forwards, you'll also need to master a number of playing strategies if you really want to score some serious winnings. One of the most basic one of these is knowing when you should hit or stand. Essentially, it all comes down to the mathematics of probability. But to make life easy for you, there are blackjack strategy charts available which show you all the possible combinations and whether you should hit or stand.

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  • Losing At Blackjack – How To Maintain Composure At The Casino

    Enjoying casino games often revolves around maintaining a level headed approach to gambling. This will help avoid those rash decisions that so often lead to painful losses. Part and parcel of keeping cool of how you mentally approach both winning and losing. Of course, any big win is going to feel amazing. There's no harm in showing your happiness. The real test of being mature is how you deal with those ineviable losses that are bound to happen once in a while. It's about losing with dignity.

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  • RDR2 Blackjack – How To Find The Game’s Locations On The RDR2 Map

    Who could of imagined that you could play a real game of blackjack within a video console game. Well, Rockstar Games offer just that in their immensely popular game called Red Dead Redemption 2. Essentially, you play a pioneer in the Wild West. Located on the map are four towns where you can play RDR2 blackjack with the locals. Unsurprisingly, these locations are normally to be found in the town's saloons. The games are exactly the same as the classic blackjack that's found in regular casinos.

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  • Blackjack Skill Or Luck – Which Factor Matters Most?

    The eternal debate between skill and luck is forever raging in blackjack circles. But stepping back to look at the larger picture, then it's easy to see that the classic casino table game needs a good dose of both of these factors. Though an unskilled player may claim that there's no skill to affect the game's outcome, the truth is that by making some important decisions during game play, a player can certainly influence the eventual outcome of the game he's playing.

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