First Blackjack Child-Endangerment Hearing in Pennsylvania

Parx casino
The first of five sad cases of child endangerment involving blackjack card games and other table gaming in Pennsylvania casinos began last Wednesday, as Paul Vargas appeared before a state judge.
Vargas was charged with abandoning his two children in an SUV while he played out his remaining money at the blackjack table.
Vargas’ public defender waived his client’s right to a hearing, presumably based on his long rap sheet which includes DWI, resisting arrest, driving with a suspended license and heroin possession. The arraignment is set for October 15; Pennsylvania state legislators have threatened mandatory prison for Pennsylvania blackjack players who leave the kids in the car.
The children, aged 12 and 7 years, are currently with grandparents, as their mother is also currently imprisoned on probation violation.
Deputy DA and prosecuting attorney commented in local media that “driving around with a suspended license, alcohol in his system, and going to the casino is not good parenting, at minimum” and that upcoming “drug and alcohol evaluation will determine whether [Vargas] has an addiction.
All five child-endangerment cases involve the Parx Casino in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, which has experienced quite a bit of bad publicity for the incidents occurring after the introduction of blackjack games and table gaming a few months ago. Parx spokesmen have promised to increase security in and outside the casino in an effort to prevent future such occurrences.
The next case will be heard in court on Thursday.
they should put this guy to prison. outrageous behaviour!
they should put this guy to prison. outrageous behaviour!
this is so disturbing. five cases? what’s wrong with these parents?
this is so disturbing. five cases? what’s wrong with these parents?