Gambling Loss Forces Father to Arrange Marriage for a Daughter

Sold into marriage
Daughter committed to arranged marriage because of her father’s gambling defeat in India
A gambler in India was forced to arrange a marriage for his daughter, after he put her at stake during a gambling marathon, which he proceeded to lose. This outrageous incident happened on 1st December in Krishnapur – Buritala village (Malda district) and will force the 13 year old girl to marry their neighbor.
The father’s lack of any smart strategies led to his complete defeat to the local young man Sukumar Mandal and now the two families are making future wedding plans. The marriage was fixed for 22nd January and it was preceded by an engagement event on 9th December. Numerous guests attended the ceremony.
Unfortunately, the future bride, a Class VIII student, stopped going to school after she was engaged to the man, who is twice as old as her. This unlucky situation most probably would not have happened, if her father knew more blackjack tricks and had been a bit wiser at the table.
Arnab Roy, Habibpur BDO, sent a team to the village, at the border with Bangladesh, hoping to get more details of the situation. In addition, he requested members of “Зhildline”, NGO dedicated to children’s welfare, to also attend the meeting with his team. Roy also informed the district social welfare officer about the case.
This terrible story would not have happened if the father had online blackjack instead, where he could have bet his life savings instead of his daughter. I doubt his wife would have been any happier, though.