A villa in Abu Hail was turned into a nightclub, brothel and gambling den.

A Chinese man who ran an illegal gambling den in Dubai has been sentenced to jail by the Dubai Criminal Court. The man will be spending one year in prison, after lawmakers found out he had been running a brothel and a nightclub at his rented villa, where he also offered illegal casino games.

According to the latest casino gambling news, the man was working with four Chinese women who were also brought to trial for prostitution, but were acquitted by the court on Thursday. The man will be deported immediately after completing his jail sentence.

Alcohol, gambling and prostitutes

Gambling in the United Arab Emirates is prohibited and the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority blocks betting websites and mobile casinos. This is why law enforcers are taking their role very seriously when it comes to underground casinos.

Police officers uncovered the illegal activity ran from the villa in Abu Hail after responding to calls about an assault on May 23, 2013, when several drunk customers started a fight and one of them suffered a head injury.

Arriving at the scene, police officers discovered two rooms had been turned into a nightclub, one was used as an alcohol store, two more served as a gambling den where customers could play casino games and the remaining four rooms were used by prostitutes. Cameras installed all over the villa served as surveillance system and authorities also alcohol and over Dh 30,000 in cash at the house.