Play Blackjack on the Toxic Gulf in Gulfport, Mississippi
Toxic Blackjack

For those who like to gamble their health right along with their money, or vice-versa if you already happen to be at the Gulf of Mexico, Rotate Black is renovating the Gaming Vessel.

The Gaming Vessel, a previously owned luxury cruise vessel, will now be operating blackjack card games out of Jones Yacht Basin in Gulfport, Mississippi. Until 2004, the Gaming Vessel was once owned by Harrah’s and operated in Joliet, Illinois. It changed hands to the International Thoroughbred Breeders, before being picked up by Rotate Black for only 15% of its replacement value.

Now, among various other amenities, Rotate Black is expected to install 24 table games, including blackjack, roulette, and craps. Additionally, there will be 825 slot machines. Once all construction is completed, it will be classed as a 2.5 or 3 diamond hotel with three restaurants and four bars.

Opening this blackjack casino and hotel is expected to create 550 direct employment opportunities as well as ancillary employment. This should be quite good for residents who survived Katrina only to be slapped in the face by BP’s exploding oil rig.

Of course, the question remains who will go visit a casino floating right on the Gulf of Mexico. Evidence mounts of dispersants once dumped into the gulf now becoming airborne. Moreover, these toxins are already being linked to many incidents of human poisoning and even death.

Gamblers who prefer not to breathe Corexit and other dispersants are advised to stick to online blackjack. The more adventurous should at least wait until the Gaming Vessel sails into cleaner waters.