Tararua Regains Lotto Wins Domination in New Zealand

2013 was again the luckiest year for Tararua’s citizens as they had the largest lotto wins in the country.
The town was previously number one back in 2011, but Waikato got the lead in 2012 with different huge wins.
It was back in April when it became clear that Tararua will reclaim the first place when a couple from Dannevirke won $14.1 million with Big Wednesday in April. Therefore, the statistics say that on average locals won $867,58 per capita – which is almost double the second largest area. This shows that lotto players are extremely lucky even without implementing casino table manners.
It is interesting that the couple decided not to take the Lamborghini car prize as they couldn’t decide who the winner is. They commented: “We decided the Lamborghini wasn’t for us – you can’t put a tow bar on a Lamborghini.”
The second place got the area with the largest single win
Waitemata and Gulf Auckland’s region got the largest single win of over $33 million with Lotto Powerball in September 2013, which put Auckland right after Tararua with per capita win of $475,26.
This win made big gambling news as it was also the largest ever individual win in the history of Powerball. Interestingly, the prize didn’t remain in the area as the winner considered himself from West Auckland.
The other regions which made it to the top ten were Tararua, Auckland’s Waitemata & Gulf ward, Taupo, Hastings, Marlborough, Buller, Gisborne, Tauranga, Auckland’s Howick ward and Christchurch City. Similarly to previous years, all the top spots were awarded mainly due to large single prizes won in the region.