Pork is banned in a US college
Pork ban

Dallas, Texas college decided pork is not good for students, and banned it from cafeteria.

Yesterday we ran an article on Hungary banning slot machines in casinos and bars in a single day, possibly setting the law making world record.

We think that was a typical patronizing decision, you know, when someone knows what’s good for you and what’s not. Come on, we’re adults, let us decide for ourselves. If we want to play blackjack online, let us do that. If we want to toss our change into fruit machines, we know what we’re doing.

If you think banning gambling is one thing, what about banning another extremely dangerous thing, … eating pork!

Okay, we know certain religions are not too keen on allowing their followers to eat pig meat, but that’s a religious thing.

But when it comes to school in the USA banning pork, we are left without words.

Michael J. Sorrell, president of Paul Quinn College in Dallas, Texas did exactly that.

Earlier this year, he issued a statement saying “When you come to college, you come to be educated. We thought we could do more in the area of promoting healthy lifestyle choices and healthy eating habits.”

“Eating pork can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, sodium retention and heart problems, not to mention weight gain and obesity. Therefore, as a part of our continued effort to improve the lives and health of our students, Paul Quinn College and its food service partner Perkins Management have collaborated to create a pork-free cafeteria,” he went on saying.

We certainly agree with the very first statement, provided we can have some good time during the college days. But can we just have bacon every now and then if we feel like it?

What will be the first step? Banning mathematics, because it is used in blackjack strategies?