Billionth Blackjack Hand Player at Bodog Gets Billionaire Experience
Billionaire Blackjack

Bodog Casino will soon rejoice upon dealing their billionth blackjack hand and in the mean time they are turning every millionth hand into a winning one.

Two blackjack players at Bodog Casino will each get the opportunity to choose one a Billionaire Experience package. One of these players will be randomly drawn from each player who wins a blackjack hand prior to the billionth. The other player will be the one who actually plays the momentous billionth hand.

Two astonishing Billionaire Experience prize packages are available for these blackjack card game playing grand prize winners:

  1. 1. During the 2011 Grand Prix, a grand prize winner can enjoy a profligate weekend in Monaco. Enthralling perks to this sumptuous option include lodging at one of the most luxurious hotels within Monte Carlo, a private yacht, and excellent dining.
  2. 2. Alternatively, a grand prize winner can sneak off to a private island in Fiji. While sipping the world’s most extravagantly pricey wines, the player can relax on a private beach and spa within the Bure Resort. A special Bure Manager will make sure that this plush vacation is a beautiful reality.

Furthermore, after the 979 millionth, each blackjack player who is dealt a millionth – including the billionth — milestone hand, will receive $1,000. The player gets this prize not considering whether he has successfully applied blackjack strategy or card counting to win the hand.