Mafia blackjack
Mafia gambling

The arms of the law are reaching out again for the Italian Mafia, hoping to get into its soul and break its spine. Or do as much damage as possible.

According to illegal gambling news, in a recent indictment, two New York metro mafia bosses have been indicted under numerous charges related to illegal gambling and sports betting, racketeering, violence, collection of unlawful and usurious gambling debts, extortion, and other felonies.

Capo di tutti capi (the boss of the bosses), as the Italian mobsters like to call their godfather, is not happy as his two henchmen face trial. As many know, those who dare to speak up against the mafia face punishment. In fact, one additional charge includes witness tampering.

Many victims are unlikely to speak up during the trial, worried about having their legs cemented to a bathtub and being thrown off George Washington Bridge into Hudson River. After talking to a Brooklyn gangster, many witnesses lose memory.

Some of the desperados, as rumors claim, have gotten themselves into trouble with mafia after being drunk, drugged, and finding themselves at mafia casinos in expectations of getting some subsidized crack and hookers while playing rigged blackjack where it is not possible to win.

The mafia blackjack cards are apparently marked and the signs of protest not tolerated. To get their nails into the sheep’ skins, the mafia dealer offers a loan. When one victim doesn’t pay on time, he becomes a baseball and the debt collector a batter.

Indeed, the Italian mafiosos in New York are great Yankees and Mets fans, thus always carry baseball bats. Other victims get threatened to be ”chopped up like pigs” or ”getting a bullet” in their heads if daring to leave the game too early.

The illegal gambling charges carry a penalty of 5 years, while each felony count of racketeering, extortion, and so on carries a penalty of maximum 20 years. If convicted of all of these, the men may get well over 100 years. So, there will be no surprise if FBI asks the men to cooperate and sell their godfather under the witness protection program.

But, will they do it? This certainly worries Capo di tutti capi.