Let Sheriff Regulate Online Gambling

Legislate or not?
Some of those zealots who seek to impose their views on others will do anything to limit freedom.
There is currently a big fuss in Florida about the Internet Cafes and many senior citizens, left-wingers, and religious zealots want these outlets of demonic access to the outside world closed, even burned at stake.
An elderly grandma, for example, due to pastor’s sermons, finds it insulting that someone may want to play online blackjack via the computer terminal. Many accuse the Internet Cafes in America of providing access to offshore gambling sites and, as such, being criminal organizations.
Florida legislature, however, failed to pass an outright ban on the Internet Cafes. After all, it is quite sensible the people may want to go there. What if I need to check the Internet? On the other hand, offering games for money which can be paid from the physical location is a violation of the law.
In recent Tampa Bay news, a man running an Internet Cafe has been arrested over illegal gambling allegations. As one highly opinionated local newspaper author stated in editorial:
[quote type=”medium” align=”left”]Until the Legislature changes the law or regulates Internet cafes, law enforcement officials should continue to enforce the law and not look the other way.[/quote]
Based on this conclusion, if the elected officials don’t make a law, then the law enforcement should apply its own rules. Any eighth-grader will now that in the civilized and democratic world there is a separation among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the government.
What this statement makes is a call for bypassing the legislative process and having the law enforcement become the legislator. 2-in-1. Then, they may as well shoot the judges and run a totalitarian regime.
If I heard it in Havana, okay. But in Florida??
Based on this, the police may as well stop people and search their smartphones to see if they weren’t by any chance playing mobile casino games. And they call that place the Land of the Free.