No-Make-Up Casino Games: The Latest Trend?

Photos of chicks with no make up on have never been so popular; maybe chicks should go everywhere like this.
It’s for a good cause. Everyone else has done it.
That’s what you tell yourself, as you anxiously upload the strategically-angled, poorly-lit photo you just took of yourself with no make-up on. You’re now a fully fledged member of the no-make-up selfie trend.
This is exclusively a female phenomenon, which in recent weeks has been hard to avoid by all of us who use the internet. The premise is simple, take a selfie photo of yourself whilst wearing no make-up, make a donation to a breast cancer foundation, and upload the picture to Facebook.
So, many girls have taken the gamble and uploaded a photo of themselves in a condition they usually would not allow anyone to see them in; how can casino gambling fans, male or female, help join the cause? Let’s take a look.
No-make-up Selfies
Before we get into the bare-faced casino strategies, let’s take a closer look at what the trend is actually all about. Straight off the bat, if you don’t know what a selfie is and you’re reading this article on the internet, you’re probably an idiot. For the uninformed, a selfie is a photo you take of yourself usually alongside some interesting place, person or object; you take the photo yourself, of yourself; a selfie.
No-Make-Up Selfie Stats
• Raised over £2 million
• Cancer Research UK have been the main benefactors
• Text BEAT to 7007 to donate £3
Okay, so a no-make-up selfie is a selfie you take when you’re not wearing any make-up; easy.
The trend started, somewhere (but it’s hard to pinpoint these things) and somehow ended up viral, with thousands of females taking part across the globe. The brave ladies then would donate to charity; the whole idea was raising awareness, and eventually money, for those suffering with breast cancer. It’s genuinely a cool and noble thing that’s been happening and so far it’s seen over £2 million raised.
So how can the generous and downright awesome gambling community get involved? Here’s how.
No-make-up Blackjack
The name of the game says it all really. If you want to go one step further than you already have, wipe down your face once again and venture out to the casino. This may turn out to be the best decision ever. Think about it, usually a nice dolled-up woman is going to receive all sorts of attention from unsavory characters, when all she probably wants is to relax over a few hands of blackjack.
Well, now whilst enjoying no-make-up blackjack, you’ll probably receive less attention; this is a smart strategy. With the added awareness and ability to concentrate on your hand, not some dudes wandering hands, you can be sure to win more at the tables, probably.
Keeping with the trend, it would only be right for you to donate a portion of your winnings to a charity of your choice, otherwise you’re just out at the casino not wearing make-up; and what would be the point in that?
Why not go one step further and wear a jacket made out of half-eaten fish fingers; it’s for charity dude don’t hassle the fish jacket.
No-Make-Up Dealers
The biggest difference between play in casino and online casinos is usually the interaction between you and other players as well as the dealer. The dealers in a casino are arguably the face of the entire casino, and people’s experiences with them will have a big influence on their opinions of the place; I’m sure winning or losing money will too, but you get my point.
The face of the casino can smile in style when enforcing the no-make-up dealers’ policy. Again, this has got to be fairly straight forward and easily understood. The best part is, it will really show the compassionate and caring side of the casino staff; if they are going naked on their face, then maybe you could tip them some of your stack and ask them to donate on your behalf.
Grown Men in Lipstick
The gambling community has forever been plagued with a bad reputation of vulgarity and seediness, and is generally disliked by those who are not part of the social group. We could change all that, and all it would take is a sprinkle of humiliation and some loss of dignity.
You know those badass dudes who gamble in small, questionably legal, betting dens; well how much awareness do you think they could raise if they sported a full face of make-up next time they head to the lair. You’re right, a lot.
I’m sure they would no doubt benefit too; their blackjack dealer tells might be a bit easier to spot if the dealers are paying more attention to the flawless complexions before them, rather than the cards in their hands.
Maybe they might even enjoy it and good for them; after all, it’s a free country, man. Can someone get that guy some blusher though, because 30 years of heavy smoking has changed his face in ways I can’t even describe.
So, I’m pretty sure that no-make-up casino games are not going to be the latest trend. However, if you’re a bold individual; go ahead and try some of these ideas out; let us know how you get on and if it makes any difference to your usual casino experience. I’m sure it will.
I’m glad that people are donating though, as I said, it’s pretty cool. Maybe, though, in future everyone could just donate money to charity and let it be at that; wearing make-up, not wearing make-up, wearing clothes or not wearing clothes; whatever just donate some damn money. Or don’t, I don’t care.