Nosy Austin Neighbors Are Watching Your Bets

Any betting in there?!
Local residents go around Austin neighborhoods and look out not only for thieves but for illegal gambling dens.
Austin, Texas, police is encouraging local residents is assisting in finding and reporting illegal betting dens as the underground gambling news report.
Austin residents claim they wish to have less traffic and more quiet around their neighborhoods. And some gambling dens get loud as losing blackjack players, or other gamblers, can get rowdy after a bad game. Sometimes cars get scratched and garbage cans knocked over.
One large betting den operated for long time as the operators kept it quiet. However, a group of neighborhood watchdogs was able to notice increased traffic and notified the police. As it appears, in Austin, the neighbors are watching you as if it was a small village where the nosy residents know everything about you and spread news, whether true or false.
Yes, rumors have even led to police action in a suspected bingo hall, only for the police to find out that a group of friends has been playing Monopoly. Is Austin becoming a totalitarian city?
Even legal gaming rooms in Austin need to have transparent windows, unlocked doors, and be marked visibly with signs as such.
The actions such as those have their supporters. But, aren’t these a violation of sacred privacy? How much can be sacrificed in order to eliminate illegal betting. Apparently, in Austin quite a lot.