Paris May Be The New Home For a NY Lottery Winner

Bill Bracken received a ceremonial check for $3 million from the New York Lottery after winning the big jackpot.
He grew up in Averill Park, spent significant part of his life on Mount Desert Island in Maine, and now lives in Vero Beach, Florida. After receiving his check he said: “Maybe I will move to Paris. I have been many times, because I am an artist. I would like to go back.”
His smart strategy of investing the money includes paying off his mortgage and buying real estate, in addition to the potential moving to Paris. All these plans are possible after he collected a payout of $1,667,736 because he decided to take the lump-sum option and the state and federal government got their share of taxes as well.
Bracken took some time before claiming his prize
Christopher, Bracken’s son, was the one who actually bought the scratch-off “Three Million” ticket in October. Bracken commented on the great gambling news: “I gave him $50 and told him to buy five $10 tickets. He came back out and said, ‘You won,’ and showed me the ticket.”
At the time, the winner was staying with his sister in Averill Park in Rensselaer County. After the gain Bill returned to Florida, and when he came back for Thanksgiving, he and his son went to the lottery headquarters to cash in the ticket.
When he was asked why he tookso long, Bracken smiled and responded: “I am 74. You take your time with these things.”