The Expiration of the Seminole Compact is Approaching

The agreement between the Seminole tribe and the State of Florida expires at the end of July and there is still no decision on its renewal.
As previously reported, based on the Seminole Compact the tribe was granted exclusive rights to offer classic card games, and BlackJack Tournaments. In return, they had to pay $1 billion for the government. These privileges were contracted for five years, and since the agreement was signed in 2010 it nears to its end.
According to industry news, there were talks about the renewal, but the communication between the tribe and Florida governor Rick Scott stopped. This means that after 90 days of the contract’s expiration the Seminoles will have to terminate their offer of card games. This will occur at the end of July, if the situation remains in its current state.
The tribe prepares for the worst scenario
If there would be an agreement in the next few months the closedown could be avoided. However, the lawyers of the tribe are preparing for the worst scenario. According to their representatives, there may be some legal opportunities to avoid this unfortunate fate. The Seminoles sent their first request for the discussions of the renewal in December, 2014. On Friday they sent another letter signed by Tribal Chairman James E. Billie.
According to casino gambling news, Governor Scott`s office confirmed that they`ve received the letter, but the governor has not commented on it yet. As their last chance, the tribe will rely on the federal law connected to Native American gambling. Therefore, the tribe will be able to sue in federal district court, based on the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.